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Tinatin Sadunishvili is Professor of Biochemistry at the Agricultural University of Georgia (AUG), Georgia. She is Head of the Department of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechology, AUG. Doctor Sadunishvili has focused on plant biochemistry from the beginning of her career.
Her areas of investigation include plant nitrogen assimilation, enzyme structure and kinetics, plant adaptation to different biotic and abiotic stresses as well as plant-pathogen-bacteriophage interactions. Specifically should be underlined her research in microbial diversity, biosynthetic and remediation potential of plants and microorganisms; She has contributed to developments in biochemical mechanisms of detoxification – basis of phytoremediation. Currently she is involved in studies on selection of specific bacteriophages as tools for biological control of plant pathogens.
Prior to appointment at her present positions, she has been working at the Institute of Plant Biochemistry as Research scientist, Senior scientist and Leading Scientist. She has taught Biochemistry at Georgian Technical University.
Professor Sadunishvili graduated with Honors in Biochemistry (1975) from Tbilisi State University, Georgia; received a PhD (1980) and Dr.Sci. (2015) degrees in Biology from the Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Academy of Sciences of Georgia. She has conducted post-doctoral research at Institute of Enzymology, Szegedi Biological Center of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Etvos Lorand University, Budapest, etc. She is fellow of Georgian and European (FEBS) Biochemical Societies, European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). She is member of European Plant Science Organization (EPSO).
Professor Tinatin Sadunishvili is member of Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals: Agrarian Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology (ISSN 1987-8249) and Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences.
She has been Principal Investigator on several International Projects, funded through INTAS, ISTC, STCU, CRDF Global, GRDF, DTRA, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int, etc. and collaborated with LBNL, Berkeley, Diversa, Technical University of Munich, University of Murcia, Spain, Meisei University, Japan, etc. She has been actively participated in creation of Biotechnology network of Caucasus, EC Project Biopartners, etc.
Professor Sadunishvili published more than 150 journal articles, six book chapters and three research monographs, many of them with her students (8 PhD students, 6 research masters students, 9 postdoctoral research associates) and research colleagues. She has played an active role supporting and mentoring young scientists, especially women.