Neha Shrestha
Principal investigator
Research Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology (RIBB), Nepal
Scientific Writer
Cactus Communications
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N Shrestha was born in Birgunj (Nepal) in 1988. She received her Masters in Science degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2012 from University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Technology in 2016 from University of Helsinki (Finland). Dr. Shrestha has successfully received several international grants and has also been awarded Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in Pharmacy 2016/2017’ Awarded by International association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (APV) . In 2016, she joined Universite catholique de Louvain as a Postdoctoral researcher, and received several research grants including the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship and FNRS postdoctoral research fellowship. At UCLouvain, Dr. Shrestha supervised and mentored several research projects on ‘Advanced drug delivery systems for inflammatory bowel disease therapy’. She has been involved in several collaborative Projects funded by different institutions, including 7 framework European project TRANSINT and European Commission funded Marie Curie Individual Fellowship Project and European Comission’s COST Action ‘UNGAP’. Dr. Shrestha has (co-)authored 28 publications in international high-impact factor peer-reviewed journals and books, with more than 800 citations and has an h-index of 16. In 2020, Dr. Shrestha received the prestigious TWAS grant to start a new research group at RIBB. Dr. Shrestha is also working as a Scientific Writer for Cactus Communications