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Tomoko Sugiura
Associate Professor and Head of Health Data Analytics Team College of Health and Medicine, Australian National University , Director, Data, Research and Evaluation, First Nations Health Division Australian Department of Health and Aged Care (on LWOP)
Nadira Karunaweera
Senior Professor and Chair of Parasitology at the Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo , Visiting Scientist School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA
Sri Lanka
Asma Ismail
Medical biotechnology and rapid diagnostics for infectious diseases President Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Indira Prajuli
Academician Nepal Academy of Science and Technology , Permanent Faculty Department of Environmental Science
Dr. Faiza Rao
Postdoctorate Research Fellow Xiamen University China , Director/ Assistant Research Professor Biological Science Research Center, Center To Advance Level Research & Development.
Victoria Metcalf
Kaimanaaki Matua TΕ«hono Hapori WhΔnui External Engagement Advisor Royal Society Te ApΔrangi
New Zealand
Elena Grigorieva
Leading Researcher Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch
Founder Director and Consultant SwaNetra Eye Hospital, Jaipur , Professor and Unit Head Department of Ophthalmology, NIMS Medical College, NIMS University , Fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment Services LV PRASAD EYE INSTITUTE HYDERABAD , ADJUNCT FACULTY L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad , Former Medical Director Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan, India
Shinjini Bhatnagar
Professor of Eminence,Β Head Maternal and Child Health Translational Health Science and Technology Institute
Mamta Chawla-Sarkar
Scientist F & Head Virology Division National Institute for Cholera and Enteric Diseases
Chirasree Roy Chaudhuri
Teaching & Research.mentoring post graduate and PHD Students Indian Instt. Of Engg. Science and Technology , Member of Research Council CSIR CSIO Chandigarh