New Zealand
Endorsed by the Royal Society Te Apārangi
Select the star to add an expert to your shortlist
Beulah Leitch
Professor, Director Neuroscience Programme University Of Otago, NZ
Bhuvana Kannan
Science Consultant NanoLayr
Jennifer Summers
Senior Research Fellow Otago University, New Zealand
Neha Jha
Researcher Massey University
Nancy Longnecker
Professor of science communication University of Otago
Cate Macinnis-Ng
Associate Professor University of Auckland
Margaret Brimble
Distinguished Professor University of Auckland
Xuxu Wang
Chief Data Officer PredictHQ , Guest Lecturer The University of Auckland
Richa Garg
Advisor, Research and Analysis Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Sneh Patel
PhD Student University of Auckland
Ingrid Ennis
Terrotory Manager - Protected Cropping Terranova Seeds